Stage decoration is a rather subtle point. There are a few universal tips that I can share.

  1. The main thing on the conference stage is the speaker and his slides.
    Therefore, first of all, you should make sure that the screen is placed correctly, and the slides are visible to everyone in the hall. The bigger slides are, the better. It is possible that if the stage is small, there is nothing special to decorate it, because it is not worth overloading the main space.

When placing a screen, make sure it is equally visible from different angles and that it is not blocked by the speaker or any elements of the stage design. Another common mistake: the screen itself is huge, but the projection of the slide on it is small or has a different ratio of width to height. This looks untidy, but in most cases it can be solved without problems if the organizer is attentive.

  1. It is great when the stage has the elements of decoration, which support the theme and the atmosphere of the conference.
    Here to advise something specific, you need to understand what kind of atmosphere you are trying to create. Think about what message you want to convey to participants, and what supportive themes can be used for this.

Again, the stage design depends on the format of the presentation: if you are planning a panel discussion, talk show or something similar, you might need chairs or sofas. They, too, can be somehow beaten up and do a la interior living room in addition to sofas.

It’s good if there is a banner or a roll-up on the stage with the conference logo and a hashtag.
This contributes to PR in social networks, and effective SMM at the event is one of the trends of the last two years. Another successful option is to make a frame in the design of the screen for slides that contains both the name and hashtag of the conference. That way, if the participants take photos and post slides to the social network, the photo will automatically get the design elements.

However, you can solve the exact same problem in another way: insert the conference logo and hashtag into the template of the slides. In that case, pay attention to this point during speaker preparation so that they use the template correctly.

  1. The background of the backdrop on the stage should not be mottled.
    It is very desirable to have all the sponsors and partners of the conference on the stage, but you should not turn the stage decoration into a press-wall. If the background for the speakers is too colorful it will be hard for the audience to concentrate.

Another common mistake made by the organizers is the moving background. It usually hypnotizes and distracts listeners, though it seems so cool, trends, interactive plasma displays, high tech… yes, all this sounds tempting, but the comfort and attention of the audience must be the priority.

  1. Take inspiration from existing examples.
    There are so many examples of all sorts of different stage designs just on Google. Conferences are held all over the world, and organizers usually pay special attention to stage design, because the most popular “product” of such conferences are videos with speakers’ speeches, which are posted in the public domain and contribute to the mission – “to share ideas worth spreading”.
  2. Look for more where no one else is looking.
    If you want to make something really unique, go for ideas where other conference organizers can’t reach. Look at examples of stage design in theaters, wedding ceremonies, and TV studios.

Think about what areas of the business where people face the same challenge as conference organizers? How do they solve it? What do they use to do it?

And remember, the stage is just one area of the conference space, and other areas need your attention, too. The more thoughtful the space, the more comfortable the participants are in it.